
You can make a one time or recurring donation using the button below or mailing a check (payable to Kindred Spirits Rescue Ranch) to the ranch at:

500 Hodgson Road
Darlington, PA 16115

We are also always in need of gift cards for Tractor Supply Company for feed!


Sponsor an Animal

When you become a sponsor, you are helping us to provide the highest standard of care for each animal with a reliable source of funding. Funds from sponsorship are used for food, bedding, and medical care. See our sponsorship page for more information


We are always in need of dedicated volunteers at the sanctuary for assistance with farm chores, and in other areas, such as helping with events, fundraising, carpentry, labor, and more.

For those interested in volunteering at the sanctuary with farm chores (cleaning stalls, putting down bedding, feeding, and watering), we require that you be at least 18 years of age and able to commit to at least two shifts of 4 hours or more each month. It is helpful for volunteers to be able to lift up to 50 pounds (hay bales, feed bags, and bedding are heavy!).

If you have a sincere interest in volunteering with KSRR, please email us at with the title “Volunteer”, and let us know what areas you are interested in and what your availability is. We do not have paid staff, so an experienced volunteer will be reaching out to you as soon as possible with all inquiries (just remember, animal care comes first, so please excuse any delays as we are busy with the animals). We would love for you to join our team!

*Is your birthday coming up? You can choose Kindred Spirits Rescue Ranch as the charity that you hold your birthday fundraiser for on Facebook! 100% of the money raised on Facebook fundraisers is sent to us